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When was the last time you sat down and really thought about the future? Of course you know people who’ve retired, we all do. And maybe you know what they’re doing now. But that’s their retirement. Do you have an idea of what retirement looks like for you? Maybe there are some goals you’d like to accomplish before you get there – like getting the kids through school. Maybe you’ve even thought about the legacy you’ll leave for the generations to come.

As you can see, there’s a lot to account for in a financial plan. Which is why we follow a comprehensive process designed to help us develop a true sense of who you are and what you expect. This enables us to build a personalized strategy to help you pursue the many goals and objectives you’ll have throughout your life and – in the case of your legacy – beyond.

Here’s where we reflect on all that makes your situation unique. This important step is not an interrogation but a conversation. We want you to do most of the talking while we listen. Sure we’ll review information regarding your finances, but most importantly, we’ll work together to define your personal and financial goals. We’ll also discuss time frames, the results you’d like to see and your tolerance for risk.

We will review and analyze the information you provided, thoughtfully assess your current situation and determine the best ways for you to pursue your goals. This step may include analyzing your assets, liabilities, cash flow, insurance coverage, investments and tax strategies.

You will be provided with financial planning recommendations that address your goals, based on the information you provided. We will review the recommendations with you and help you understand them, so you can make informed decisions. We carefully listen to your questions and concerns and revise our recommendations, as appropriate.

Once the financial plan meets with your approval, we carry out our recommendations, coordinating the process with you and, when appropriate, other professional advisors, such as your accountant or attorney.

To this point, we’ll have worked hard to build a relationship with you that will now endure for a lifetime. And like any relationship, it will only grow if we continue to operate in an atmosphere of trust based on open and candid conversation. To facilitate a two-way dialog with you, we will communicate with you regarding the status of your plan, and you will let us know about any changes in your life that may result in changes in your overall financial strategy. To make things easier, we’ll schedule all our meetings and calls around your busy life.

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“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”

– Peter F. Drucker