Behavioral Finance

Behavioral Finance

What makes up your mind?

You think before you act. But unconscious biases could be clouding your judgment.

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Ready to find out
what makes up your mind?

Choose between two responses to these everyday life scenarios.
Don’t overthink it – just select the option that feels most like you.

Every decision you make – from where to get coffee in the morning to how you approach your portfolio – is influenced by the things you know, the lessons you’ve learned, the factors you can observe and a range of biases you might not even be aware of. A cognitive bias is an unconscious deviation in the way humans process and interpret information. Here we cover four of the most potent and how you can overcome them.

  • Familiarity

    From your takeout order to the contents of your investment portfolio, explore how relying on familiarity can hold you back.

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  • Loss aversion

    From clinging to rarely used items to fearing defeat, loss aversion can keep you from realizing your goals.

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  • Overconfidence

    From overestimating your odds to underestimating outside influences, see how overconfidence can undermine you.

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  • Mental accounting

    From treating unexpected money differently to pursuing conflicting goals, mental accounts can obscure the bigger picture of your wealth.

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The right advice
starts with a trusted relationship

We believe financial advice is about more than just having a plan. It’s about having the right plan for you. And that only happens with a true understanding of your whole life, beyond just your finances. Because as your needs become more complex, sophisticated advice and a relationship built for the long term become even more important.

Is your mind made up?

Talking with a financial advisor can help you explore – and manage – the impact of behavioral biases on your biggest goals.

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