Affordable Housing Investments Key Personnel
Senior Management

Steven Kropf
President and Chief Executive Officer
Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments

Sam Shupe
Senior Vice President, Director of Feasibility
Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments

James Horvick
Senior Vice President, Acquisitions and Institutional Investments
Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments

Brian Lynch
Senior Vice President, Portfolio Asset Management
Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments

James Horvick
Senior Vice President, Acquisitions and Institutional Investments
Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments

Bryan Kilbane
Vice President and Director of Acquisitions, Great Lakes
Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments
Great Lakes

Sam Shupe
Senior Vice President, Director of Feasibility
Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments
Institutional Investment

Steven Kropf
President and Chief Executive Officer
Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments

James Horvick
Senior Vice President, Acquisitions and Institutional Investments
Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments
Asset Management

Brian Lynch
Senior Vice President, Portfolio Asset Management
Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments