We are inspired by who we serve

The individuals, families and nonprofits we serve represent a cross-section of people and institutions here in the Central Valley, Bay Area and Silicon Valley, as well as nationwide. The majority of our clients are women, many who are living on their own or are head of their household. Many are educators, serving in a profession we greatly admire.

Our clients are interested in preserving their wealth, mitigating their taxes and eventually leaving a legacy for their family and favorite charities. While they may have modest expectations, they have a sense of purpose and belonging. They love traveling, spending time with their grandchildren and indulging in many hobbies and interests.

They are intelligent but have neither the time nor the inclination to manage their own investment portfolio. They want to work with a knowledgeable team that they can trust to manage all aspects of their financial lives.

They want to be able to call on their advisors at any time to ask a question or express a concern and receive a prompt and thoughtful response. This is especially true of those who may be going through a divorce and need special counsel and guidance through this emotionally fragile time.

We deeply connect with our clients and work with them on a multigenerational level, serving families from the grandparents down to the children.
Alana Scott, CDFA®; First Vice President, Investments