We help high-net-worth families address the complexities of wealth, balancing the needs of today with the goals for the future. There are college educations to be planned for and insurance plans to be secured for protecting your family. Our mission is to serve as your family’s financial advisors for life, here for you as your family builds, grows and evolves into future generations.

Often, a family’s investments are concentrated in a single stock, received through inheritance or corporate business perks. We have strategies designed to hedge, monetize, diversify or transfer, while mitigating tax implications.

Our knowledge of tax-advantaged investments and the tax impact of individual transactions can help you keep more of what you earn. In addition, we can help you create a charitable giving plan that not only helps your heirs and the organizations you’re passionate about, but also has the potential to generate tax benefits and enhance your overall wealth management plan.

We have expertise in addressing all of these important issues – and can help your family manage and preserve its wealth today and for future generations.