As a corporate executive, you understand the importance that planning plays in running a successful operation. The same holds true for your own life, but between the demands of your job and the complex nature of your financial circumstances, planning on your own without an experienced advisor can be daunting.

While the rewards of executive leadership can be significant, they often come with complex challenges and risks, such as having highly concentrated stock positions.

We can help you with many different executive transactions, including stock option planning, cashless stock option exercises, rule 144 executions, 10b5-1 sales plans and hedging and monetization for concentrated equity. In addition, we can assist with corporate solutions such as share repurchase programs, corporate cash management, executive benefit platforms and retirement programs.

In addition, we can customize strategies for needs such as investment management, estate planning, trust services and philanthropic strategies. Our goal is to serve as your personal CFO and help you derive the full benefit of your successful career, while mitigating taxes and adhering to regulatory guidelines regarding executive compensation.