Keeping resources aligned with what’s important
A customized financial plan serves as our blueprint for pursuing your goals. Here are the basic steps that outline the process we’ll follow for building your plan.
At our first meeting, we build an understanding of your personal goals, current financial situation, risk tolerance and attitude toward investing. Finally, we offer an in-depth explanation of our capabilities and the services we offer so that you can better understand our practice.
In this phase, our goal is to make sure that your objectives and our vision of how to seek to achieve them are compatible. If not, we work with you to determine if these can be brought into alignment, or whether we might not be the best fit.
We analyze what you’ve shared with us and design your plan. We present our recommendations, answer your questions and outline the steps we need to take to implement your plan.
With your approval, we execute your customized plan. This involves the selection of an overall asset allocation, specific account types, investment products and optional services, and the completion of all paperwork.
Reviewing, managing and adjusting
We review the progress of your plan relative to your objectives and recommend any changes where needed. This is a collaborative process, as your involvement and feedback are a critical part of this phase.
Life changes. Have your goals changed over time? Are there any significant changes or milestones in your life that may cause you to re-prioritize what’s important?
The financial landscape changes over time. Is your portfolio meeting your objectives? Are there opportunities or risks that need to be addressed?
Here is where we determine if any changes to your investments or lifestyle might be necessary to meet your existing or new objectives.
There is no assurance that any investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk and investors may incur a profit or a loss. Asset allocation and diversification do not guarantee a profit nor protect against loss.