A clear outlook for a new tomorrow

The mixture of emotional vulnerability, procedural tedium and financial uncertainty makes divorce one of the most difficult transitional moments a person can experience. We work with our clients – as individuals or as collaborative counterparties – to inventory and assess the practical value of assets to their financial plans and long-term financial goals. This means looking beyond the bottom line and seeing things like how the liquidity of an asset – how easy it is to sell – or its value over time contributes to one’s life goals.

In many cases, this can mean financial goals need to be reassessed and creating a new plan in light of new opportunities and challenges.

As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®, Joshua Waymire’s goal when working with his clients facing divorce to help them move past the intense emotions they feel and focus on what’s best for their long-term, providing a calm, experienced confidant to help them prepare for a bright tomorrow.