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Finding Clarity After Divorce: Why Clearing Clutter Matters

Divorce marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. It's a time of transition, growth, and rebuilding. Amidst the emotional upheaval, there's a practical aspect that often gets overlooked: clearing clutter. If you're recently divorced, it's time to roll up your sleeves and declutter your financial life—and here's why it matters more than you might think.

I understand—it's tempting to put off dealing with all the STUFF. After all, you're navigating a sea of emotions and adjusting to a new normal. But here's the thing: clutter, whether physical or financial, can weigh you down and impede your progress toward a fresh start.

Identifying the Clutter

So, what exactly constitutes clutter in the aftermath of divorce?

  • old financial statements,
  • joint accounts that need untangling, or
  • outdated legal documents (that Will you made while you were married, probably no longer relevant...)
  • It might also manifest as physical or emotional clutter—lingering attachments to items or memories that no longer serve you.

The Power of Clearing Clutter: Clearing clutter isn't just about tidying up; it's about reclaiming control of your life. By letting go of the physical and emotional baggage, you create space for new opportunities and possibilities to emerge. It's a liberating act of self-care and empowerment.

Now, I know what you're thinking: Where do I even begin?

That's where a trusted financial advisor, and CDFA like myself comes in. I specialize in helping women like you navigate the post-divorce landscape with clarity and confidence. Together, we'll identify the clutter, develop a plan to tackle it, and streamline your financial life for a brighter future.

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed by clutter after divorce, know that you're not alone. With the right support and guidance, you can clear the clutter and pave the way for a fresh start. Take that first step today, and let's embark on this journey of decluttering and renewal together.

Schedule a Free Divorce Financial Planning Consultation >

Clearing clutter after divorce is more than just a practical task—it's a transformative act of self-care. By freeing yourself from the burdens of the past, you create space for new beginnings to flourish. So, don't let clutter hold you back. Reach out, take my hand, and let's declutter your way to a brighter, more fulfilling future.

PRO TIP: Simplify Your Life with a Password Manager

One of the most significant pieces of advice I offer to newly-divorced women is to invest in a password manager. If you've gone through the process of opening new accounts, closing old ones, and establishing your online presence, you understand the frustration of creating new, "secure" passwords. A reliable password manager will do the remembering for you and, the best part? It generates secure passwords too!

My personal favorite? Bitwarden. With Bitwarden, you can securely store and access your passwords across all your devices, giving you peace of mind and saving you valuable brain space.

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Where should you live after divorce?

7 Steps to Untangle your Assets – Navigating Divorce Finances

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