To build your financial plan and clearly delineate your financial goals and personal objectives, our team follows a specially developed process. By doing so, we help ensure all the details are covered and that all your wants and needs in retirement are accounted for. We’ll talk about your hopes, aspirations, desires and even cover those things that may be keeping you up at night. This process provides a customized framework for making decisions collaboratively – applying not only our insight and recommendations, but those of your outside advisors, too – and monitoring the outcome of those decisions over time. Most importantly, throughout the process, you can rely on quality client service.
We will begin our process with a discussion – we will ask about your investing experience and learn about your expectations for returns, your comfort with risk and your current portfolio. We’ll also define your goals, both near- and long-term.
Based on what we learn about you and your goals, we will conduct a thorough analysis of the current financial markets – the opportunities and the headwinds. We will meet as a team to discuss your individual case, leveraging our collective experience and broader knowledge, which enables us to provide you with a personalized financial plan.
After surveying the financial climate and your available options, we will design a customized investment portfolio, present you with our recommendations and, with your approval, invest.
Moving forward, we will review the progress of your plan relative to your defined objectives and suggest any changes where needed. We will also use Goal Planning & Monitoring, a proprietary planning software from Raymond James that can help align financial decisions with your vision of retirement and other highly personalized goals. This powerful resource, used in conjunction with our deep planning experience, helps us ensure that your goals and our strategy for pursuing them are well-defined.