W-2 employees


As an employee, you'll need personal and professional financial guidance to navigate your career development and advancement. We recognize your unique needs and are here to provide guidance on various common questions, such as those frequently posed to us.

  • Should I put my money into my employer-sponsored retirement plan or another type of account?
  • How should I invest the money inside my employer-sponsored retirement plan?
  • How are my investments taxed?
  • How much do I need to be saving for retirement?
  • Should I pay off my home or invest the money?
  • How should I be using a credit card?
  • How should I manage my student loans?
  • Do I need life or disability insurance?

You might also have other priorities such as saving for a home, family, vacation, etc. All while unexpected expenses arise like your car breaking down, the hot water heater going out, or medical expenses. We guide and support you through all of life’s ups and downs.

We assist by creating a financial plan that fits you. We proactively work with your accountant and estate planning attorney to ensure alignment with your financial plan. We want to make sure you're ready for whatever life throws at you, from saving for your kids' education to planning for the future. You can trust us to help you make the most of your hard-earned income and account for the expected and unexpected.

Case Study: Let’s consider hypothetical clients John and Sarah, who sought our guidance in navigating their company's benefit package and deciding whether to opt for their work retirement plan or explore alternative savings options. To help illustrate how we might advise a W-2 employee in how to effectively navigate their company's benefits package/retirement planning, we would review their goals, create a financial plan related to their goals, and help them with planning considering their unique circumstances and goals.

This is a hypothetical illustration and is not intended to reflect any actual outcome. This case study is for illustrative purposes only. Individual cases will vary. Any information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Prior to making any investment decision, you should consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.