

As someone working in a trade, you’ll need personalized guidance tailored to the unique needs of your trade. Whether you're a plumber, electrician, contractor, or craftsman, we understand the specific challenges and opportunities that come with your trade. We are here to address various common questions frequently posed to us, providing guidance on topics such as…

  • Is there a retirement plan specific to my trade?
  • Where should I put the additional money that I have in savings?
  • How are my investments taxed?
  • What types of insurance do I need?
  • Can I do anything to reduce my tax liability?
  • What are some things I should consider planning for?

Our client-focused approach recognizes the hard work and dedication tradespeople invest in their craft. We work closely with professionals across various trades, offering personalized financial plans designed to address the distinct financial aspects of your career.

From managing inconsistent income to planning for long-term financial security, we are well-versed in the details of what people working in trades experience. We assist in optimizing cash flow, navigating tax considerations, and implementing financial plans that align with your goals.

Join the satisfied trades professionals who have entrusted their financial well-being to us. Discover how our expertise can empower you to achieve your financial objectives, allowing you to focus on what you do best – mastering your trade.

Case Study: Let’s consider hypothetical client – Joe, who is a contractor. To help illustrate how we might advise a contractor receiving substantial 1099 income that wanted to reduce their tax liability, we would work diligently with their accountant to make sure he had the right business structure. We then could potentially setup a Solo 401(k) plan (retirement plan) in order to increase retirement contributions that could reduce his overall tax liability.

This is a hypothetical illustration and is not intended to reflect any actual outcome. This case study is for illustrative purposes only. Individual cases will vary. Any information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Prior to making any investment decision, you should consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.