Spring Cleaning

I thought it might be too late to use a “spring cleaning” topic for this column, but as I watched the Diamondbacks play a recent game that was delayed in the 8th inning by snow and also recently spoke to a couple of clients in the Midwest who were “watching the snow outside,” I think it is still appropriate!

One of the things that we often start off our client reviews with is a “Title/Beneficiary Review.” We purposely do this to make sure that all of our client assets are appropriately titled (if you have a trust, the non-retirement assets should be in the name of the trust, etc.) and each account has named beneficiaries (and preferably contingent beneficiaries). Other than the probate lawyers who read this column, not too many people like going through a process involving courts if it can be prevented! I have written often in this space about “the time to have a road map is before you get lost” and having one’s financial affairs in order is a very good map! Unfortunately, we see a lot of families go through death and loss and we never want our clients to experience unnecessary stress. Our objective is to help you be as prepared as you can be for the inevitable, so that when your storm arrives, “your house is in good order” and you can focus on the things that are most important…caring for yourself and your loved ones.

Another spring cleaning item I have written about before in this space is how to keep one’s many passwords organized. For many years I have used the Keeper© App on my phone. It is available at any App Store and costs $34.99/year. There is a Family Plan for $74.99/year (we use that one). Make sure that someone you trust has your single sign-on to the Keeper App (Debbie has mine and I also have it in my letter of instruction to be opened at my death). In today’s connected world where we have so many usernames and passwords and the frequency which many sites require changes, this relatively meager annual cost keeps my online world very organized. More info here - KEEPER.

Lastly, here is a way to have fun during the Major League Baseball season…there is an App called “Beat the Streak” (BTS) that I have been playing for a few years. The object is to establish a virtual “hitting streak” and keep it going for as long as possible. You pick one player (or two if you “double down”) each day from any team in any game…if that player gets a hit, your streak continues. If not, you go back to zero and start again. If you get to 57 (one longer than Joe DiMaggio’s record hitting streak of 56 games), you win $5,600,000 (only one person wins and then the contest is over). No participant in BTS has ever made it to 57—the longest I recall ever seeing someone get was low-50’s before that participant’s streak sadly ended. It is free and a fun way to add a little more action to baseball season. Often times when my “baseball-nerd” friends and I see each other, the first thing we ask is, “How is your streak?” My high this season is only six, but it is early and I am always optimistic! More info here - BEAT THE STREAK.

For you Arizonans, it sure has been a gorgeous spring! Don’t get so distracted by the beautiful weather that you forget to clean out the garage before it gets too hot!

-Gary Weiss, May 2021