Guidance for the big picture and finer details

WWG Experience

What WWG Does

We provide services that help people address their need to develop, organize, and use their financial resources and investments to have the life and work they desire. Please visit our Financial Services section for more details.


How We Work with You

Financial planning is an ongoing process of preparing for and responding to financial and life events. Those are as diverse as becoming empty nesters, buying or selling a business, changing jobs/careers, retiring, receiving an inheritance, and buying a new home.

Your WWG Experience photo
Anne is enjoying her clients, some furry friends and antique cars.

What sets WWG process apart is our focus on these principles:

  • Your current situation. We start working with you in your current situation, addressing the needs, issues, and concerns crucial to you right now. In addition to finances, we ask about health, career/business, and family. We review anticipated changes and current challenges. Together we define what near-term success looks like for you and outline how to organize your life, assets, and finances to help achieve
  • Your long-term plans. If you already have the near-term in hand, we welcome the opportunity to help you build your future. That could mean designing your investments to support specific goals. Or perhaps you want to leave your options open and need flexibility. We are comfortable and experienced with both approaches.
  • Your well-being. We help you develop and maintain well-being through transitions. This is an important life skill that determines the outcome of many major life events. We work to understand how you make important investment and financial decisions. As we set in motion your near-term investment plan, we’ll begin to guide you concerning the emotional, practical, and financial aspects of the future transitions needed to help you achieve your long-term goals. As our relationship progresses, we’ll collaborate concerning more aspects of your life as your needs, interests, and goals develop.
  • Integration of investments into your lifestyle. Having investments adds a new responsibility to your life as well as the hope for additional income not otherwise typically available. This doesn’t mean that we expect you to become expert in the myriad investment options available today. But we do help every client learn what they need to focus on and pay attention to, unique to their situation. We help you identify when to sit with the uncertainties and the unknown, and when to make decisions and move forward. We are always here to teach, mentor, and coach you towards the financial success you seek.

What to Expect from Us

Every client receives a copy of Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Raymond James Client. It includes the statement:

“You have the right to expect financial and investment recommendations based solely on your unique needs and goals, consistent with the objective of enhancing your financial well-being.”

Our process merges the six steps of traditional financial planning below with the above statement and principles:

  1. Establish and define the client-planner relationship.
  2. Gather client data, including goals. This includes guidance through financial transitions as they are anticipated, the prior situation ends, the changes are dealt with, and then a new “normal” situation evolves. It’s important to address the change itself, before you can make decisions about the money.
  3. Analyze and evaluate the client’s current financial status.
  4. Develop and present financial and investment recommendations based solely upon your unique needs and goals, consistent with the objective of enhancing your financial well-being.
  5. Implement the agreed-upon plan.
  6. Seek opportunities for adjustments as needed.

In addition, each client receives, as applicable:

  • Support and guidance from financial advisors who make every effort to meet our responsibilities.
  • A description of services and fees. Your accounts may consist of a variety of investment types. Our fees depend on the types of investments you select.
  • A personalized Client Communications Plan.
  • Online access to your account and statements.
  • A monthly check-in call, subject to your availability.
  • Education for you and your family (as desired) about financial management and planning.
  • Semi-annual performance reports.
  • An in-person, annual, comprehensive portfolio and financial review, subject to your availability. All plans are reviewed and updated as needed, beneficiaries confirmed, and any changes in your life are discussed.
  • Help with year-end tax planning. (Note: Raymond James representatives do not provide any legal or tax advice.)
  • Coordination with other trusted advisors such as your attorney and accountant.
  • Guidance from a Senior Financial Advisor to manage a minimum of $850K in investable assets.
  • Guidance from a Junior Financial Advisor to manage a minimum of $150K in investable assets.

Building Trust, Building Our Relationship

Trust is the most crucial component in any relationship yet is seldom discussed openly. Your WWG team takes earning our clients’ trust seriously. Trustworthiness is solely in the eye of the beholder; one cannot declare oneself trustworthy. We work hard to build it through not only our conversations but also through our materials, forms, actions, advice, and support.

In our own learning, we’ve come to understand there are four components of trust.  We work toward enhancing them in every interaction with you:

  • Sincerity: We say what we mean and mean what we say.
  • Reliability: We meet our commitments and keep our word.
  • Competence: We deliver our services to the best of our ability.
  • Care: We gladly and enthusiastically invest the time and passion needed to get to know you and your situation, interests, dreams, and fears.

We are always open to your questions, feedback, and suggestions about what we can do to improve how we work with you.

What's Expected of WWG Clients

We work best with a client who is ready to work with a professional financial advisor. This person:

  • Is seeking a long-term, trusted planning and investment consulting relationship with a team of knowledgeable and caring professionals.
  • Provides requested, accurate, up-to-date information on a timely basis to enable us to do our best work. You know that all investment, tax, estate, and insurance advice is based on the information you provide to us.
  • Willingly and fully participates in the financial planning process. You are the expert on your own situation and needs. That means speaking up and asking questions when you have an idea you want to discuss, if we have confused you, or if you have questions or concerns.
  • Agrees we will keep each other informed in a timely manner of any new developments that might affect the planned strategies.
  • Agrees we will both be honest and forthcoming about your financial situation. We will work to develop mutual trust, respect, and understanding.
  • Understands that our recommendations are always based on your best interest. Our number one job is helping you determine financial goals and expectations that are reasonable in the current circumstances and relevant to your unique situation.
  • Understands that all investments contain some measure of risk. The nature of investing is that it can be unpredictable and return disappointing results, despite the best efforts of both of us.
  • Willingly lets us know in a timely fashion if we have disappointed you in any way, discusses the situation with us, and then allows us to do all we can to correct the situation.

How to Start Working with Wealth Wellness Group

We offer a complimentary initial consultation to learn about your goals and needs and provide information on how we work. You are under no obligation to work with WWG by having this consultation. We answer your questions and provide you details on our services and fees. This is your first opportunity to determine whether we are a good fit for you. If we aren’t, we will be happy to refer you to other resources that may be a better fit.

Please visit OUR TEAM for more information about this initial consultation.