Connecting with you to work together

Whether we’re working with business owners, individuals or families, it’s always a very conversational process. It’s not “you give us your information, we go do our homework, then come up with a strategy and you sign off on it.” We talk through everything and collaborate with you on it.

At the start of our relationship, we’ll devote a good deal of time to connecting with you to get a true sense of who you are, what your goals are, and what challenges you face – not only the ones you know about, but also those you may not even realize. Once we have gained good insight into who you are and the resources you have, then we can better work with you to set and prioritize your goals.

When it comes to business owners with company retirement plans, there are additional considerations such as the company’s cash flow and plan contributions, and what challenges or complexities affect the existing plan. We’ll present several options and offer our recommendation. It’s always a two-way conversation: “Here’s the way we would do it, here are some other ways that can work, what do you think?” We’ll come up with a plan together, before we implement and manage it.

When it comes to investments, we know that the markets fluctuate over time, and as professionals, it is our job to enable you to make informed financial decisions using the full complement of resources at our disposal. This process provides a framework for making decisions collaboratively and observing the outcome over time. Each step involves interaction between you and our team, and any outside professionals if needed.