We build relationships before we build portfolios

We take a people-first approach to understand each client’s unique values, priorities and concerns. We make it our priority to understand what’s important to you and what you care about. It’s why we’ll invest much time in listening to your needs, wishes and goals before we ever talk about your investment portfolio. If we don’t learn what keeps you up at night, we have not asked enough probing questions. Here are some examples of things we can learn from talking to our clients.


After losing both of his parents, this young man learned that his parents had more wealth than he had imagined – and he wisely realized he needed trusted financial advice to help manage his inheritance. His parents’ corporate trustee never asked him about his needs, but only wanted to work with him as he had done with his parents.


A woman lost her beloved husband of 38 years. While together, she paid the monthly bills, but her husband handled the investments. She wanted to learn how to manage her financial matters and feel more confident about being able to maintain her lifestyle.


A couple nearing retirement had questions about a complex situation they faced. They were not only wondering if they can retire, but also how, when and with what strategy that could provide them with the retirement they envision.

Company 401(k)

The owner of a manufacturing plant who really cared about his employees wanted to help them have a way to put money away for their retirement, but he didn’t feel like the company 401(k) plan he set up was being managed effectively and he wasn’t getting the customer service he wanted.

These hypothetical examples are for illustrative purposes only and are not representative of any actual experience. Individual results will vary.