The go-to guides
for trusted retirement advice

We work primarily with successful individuals with accumulated wealth, or who are in or nearing retirement. Many are former government employees who have retirement accounts such as rollovers and IRAs. They would like to maintain their active lifestyles and efficiently fund their well-earned retirement.

For individuals nearing retirement, preparation is key in determining when to retire, or how much longer to work to be able to maintain your lifestyle. People are living longer today, so the possibility of going 10, 20 and even 30 years without a paycheck takes disciplined investing and cash flow management.

Our goal is to help them generate enough income to maintain their standard of living while preserving their principal. We can help them manage their required minimum distributions and determine the most tax-efficient ways to draw income from their investments. We’ll also collaborate with their legal and accounting professionals on important matters such as estate planning and tax strategies.

The importance of family is a universal theme among our clients, so we take extra care to understand their family dynamics and address the wishes they have for their loved ones. As many of our clients are second and third generation, the efficient transition of wealth is also an important consideration that we address.

We help our clients have a legacy strategy that not only provides for their family and the organizations they’re passionate about, but also has the potential to generate tax benefits and further their overall wealth management plan. With the right financial guidance, we believe retirement can be a most enjoyable and fulfilling time of life.

We seek global investment opportunities

There is a world of opportunity out there – and we seek it, track it and invest in it.

Find out how

1717 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 1050 | Washington, D.C. 20006
T: 202.872.5900 | TF: 800.982.3035 | F: 866.522.9587
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