Your first visit
is our time to get acquainted

Your First Visit

We want our first visit together to be a relaxing time of meaningful conversation as we get to know each other. Learning about you and the goals you want to accomplish, and answering your questions about retirement are very important first steps in creating your personalized financial plan. We will also talk openly with you about our experience and capabilities, and hope you’ll speak candidly about your financial matters, goals for the future and next phase of life.

To help ensure we all get the most out of this meeting, we ask that you bring some items along to your first visit including:
  • Financial Planning Checklist
  • The first two pages of your most current federal income tax return
  • Investment/bank account statements including savings accounts, money market, CDs and brokerage accounts
  • Retirement account statements including:
    • Individual retirement savings accounts such IRAs, Roth IRAs and SEPs
    • Employee savings plans such as 401(k)s, 403(b)s and profit sharing
  • Pension plan benefit statements
  • Other company employee benefits statements such as stock options and deferred compensation
  • Estimated annual contributions to your retirement accounts
  • Estimated savings to your other investment accounts
  • Social Security benefit statements
  • Other estimated retirement income such as wages, rental income, property sales, inheritances and gifts
  • Estimated cost of medical insurance you’ll need during retirement before Medicare
  • Mortgage information including loan balance and interest rate
“Have I saved enough?”

This was the pressing question on Jessica’s mind when she came in to meet with us. Like most, Jessica couldn’t even begin to calculate how much she’d need to save in order to enjoy the retirement she, at that point, couldn’t even imagine. At 50 years old, she’d been saving money in retirement accounts for quite some time, but she still didn’t know how much money she’d need to amass in order to stop working, which is the amount we aimed to provide.

When we met with Jessica to talk about retirement planning, we created a flexible retirement plan to help her form goals and objectives for the future – a vision she’d never fully articulated. As it turns out, Jessica dreamed of a retirement filled with travel – something retirees often do. Once we clearly defined her vision, we were able to calculate an amount necessary to fund her retirement goals, which included a generous travel budget.

We also talked about whether she should continue contributing to a traditional 401(k) or change her payroll deposits to a Roth 401(k). As a result, Jessica now knows how much she’ll need for retirement, has a financial plan that is adaptable to changes in her life, and is comfortable knowing she will receive guidance in the future.

What’s your question?

See how we can help you

This is a hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only. Every client's situation is different and individual results will vary. Any information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Prior to making any investment decision, you should consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.