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“Who do I turn to for financial guidance?”

This is the question to which this hardworking couple in their mid-60s – and on the verge of retirement – sought an answer. Jim and Amanda had each saved diligently over the years in their company 401(k)s and, together, had amassed a large retirement nest egg. Now that they were considering retirement they realized there were many important questions to which they didn’t have answers. They also wanted professional help in creating a clear road map for their financial lives – both now and into their retirement years. And with so many choices for financial advice – from stockbrokers to CPAs – they didn’t know where to turn or to whom. Fortunately, the couple learned about Lynn and our firm and became interested particularly in Lynn’s designation as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional.

Soon, Jim and Amanda made an appointment and came in to talk with Lynn. They immediately discovered that she really listened to them and they learned about her knowledge of complex employee retirement savings plans, including the special circumstances surrounding things like employer stock, making the choice of taking a pension in either monthly payments or a lump-sum, and the tax issues of retirement savings.

With Lynn’s help, Jim and Amanda mapped out a plan for retirement that is part of a complete financial plan that can be adjusted as things change in Jim and Amanda’s life. But as for today, accounts are in order. Dates have been set. And most important, the couple now has a more confident outlook for the future.

What’s your question?

This case study is for illustrative purposes only. Individual cases will vary. Any information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Prior to making any investment decision, you should consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.