Helping you address your retirement planning priorities

Helping you address your retirement planning priorities

Planning for Retirement

Say you’re in your 20s, 30s, or 40s. Both you and your spouse are building successful careers and a healthy income, but the demands of managing your finances on your own are becoming, well, demanding. You don’t have the time or expertise to know for sure if you’re building retirement savings that can last in addition to meeting all your other goals.


As a first step, we’d help you establish solid priorities. For instance, depending on your situation, you might place retirement savings first, college planning second, and saving for a home purchase third. Next, our team would work together to review your various accounts, analyze overall asset allocation, estimate your retirement income needs, and determine the rate at which you’re currently saving. Based on all these factors, we would make recommendations that might include repositioning your portfolio, selecting more attractive holdings/assets, consolidating your retirement accounts for easier tracking, and increasing your contributions.

Transitioning into Retirement

Say you’re a couple short years, or maybe even mere months, away from retirement. You’re feeling more than a little overwhelmed, and you face a number of very important decisions. How much can you withdraw from your accounts each month without risking outliving your assets? Should you take your pension as a lump sum or in the form of annuity payments?


We’d begin by evaluating your expenses and dividing them into two categories: needs and wants. From there, our team would evaluate your current assets and sources of income, and also estimate what you can expect to earn from future income and returns, in order to calculate a sustainable withdrawal amount. We would also develop personalized strategies for how you should utilize pension funds and Social Security to maximize long-term benefits of each.


This is a hypothetical example for illustration purposes only. Actual investor results will vary.

Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected, including diversification and asset allocation.

Asset allocation does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss.