Building an enduring plan for a lasting legacy

Building an enduring plan for a lasting legacy

Say you’re the main beneficiary of a trust that is generating plenty of income for you, but it’s falling short for the other three beneficiaries – your kids. You’d like to continue enjoying your current lifestyle, but you’d also like to ensure that your children and grandchildren are taken care of now and well into the future.


Our team’s first order of business would be to meet the family – it’s vital in estate and trust planning situations to keep families on the same page. Next, we’d examine the trust documents as well as your overall financial picture and, if appropriate, seek out opportunities to redistribute the trust’s income and assets to help meet your family’s needs. In addition, we’d assess the tax outlook to determine if a new distribution strategy could result in tax benefits.

To learn more about how we help you transfer your income and assets to the next generation, or to an organization you are passionate about, contact us today.

Raymond James and its advisors do not offer tax or legal advice. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.