Comprehensive guidance to support your needs
Financial Planning For The Long Term Can Make Your Decisions Easier
Jill was totally caught off guard by her divorce and unprepared to make the necessary financial decisions she now faced on her own. She felt heartbreak over the end of the relationship.
At this time she faced some of the most important decisions she will ever make. She realized she needed help in deciding if the settlement offer was fair. What's more, she also faced tough decisions about how best to provide for the kids.
How much money did she need for running the household and still have enough to provide for her financial future?
Should she keep the house?
Her husband had always made the financial decisions, so who can she turn to for financial information now that she is on her own?
Gaining Perspective With The Help Of An Understanding Financial Advisor
Jill will find that sound decisions can become much clearer when we are by her side. Through our custom "Five Step Financial Planning Process to Financial Fitness" we will, together, focus on her concerns, goals, desires, and dreams. Drawing on this picture of where she is and where she would like to be, we will develop a written financial plan to provide the basis for her financial decision-making going forward.
Then, we will help her analyze and track her financial and investment plan through her situation as it evolves.
Her Desired Outcome
As we work together, we want Jill to gain confidence in her own decision-making ability. We hope those overwhelming decisions will appear easier to resolve with her new financial, investment and retirement plan. Whatever life hands her, she will know that she can turn to a financial advisor for answers that she can trust.
To discover more we invite you to sign up above on the right for our complimentary special report "Planning for Life: The Many Benefits of Financial Planning and Investment Management."
Or for help to achieve your desired outcome you can call us at 701-852-3090 or contact us here.
This case study is for illustrative purposes only. Individual cases will vary. Any information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Prior to making any investment decision, you should consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.
Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected.