As a physician you have very acute issues to deal with, for instance replacing your income when you retire. Many of you will have to develop your own pension plan –we have a lot of experience in this area.

You also have the issue of potential liability arising from a medical lawsuit; asset protection strategies may need to be reviewed for use in your situation.

While your income should be above average, you may have accumulated debt in getting your education and you will start earning income later then most. This sometimes puts physicians in catch up mode and sometimes drives them to take extra risks with their money – this is a common pitfall amongst many physicians.

You also receive the following:

  • An assessment of what you can expect for your retirement income; matching up your must have expenses and your discretionary expenses to guaranteed sources of income and variable sources of income.
  • Asset allocation review and management of your current IRA, Roth IRA and company retirement plan accounts with an emphasis toward drawing future income from the accounts.
  • Estimation of secure retirement income sources like social security, pensions and annuities.
  • Projection of funds to supplement your secure retirement income plans for your discretionary expenses.
  • Complete analysis regarding beneficiaries for each account; what could be owned in a trust, what could have direct beneficiaries and what are the tax implications of all the strategies.
  • Insurance analysis - are your risks covered?
  • Assessment of other goals like saving for children’s or grandchildren’s education.

Using our experience since 1992 in working with legal professionals may be beneficial to you in accumulating, managing, preserving and finally distributing the wealth you build. Call us at 480-503-1084 to schedule your complimentary, no obligation consultation.
Click Here for the "What To Bring To The Consultation" Checklist