Insight into How WE HELP

One critical and common characteristic of our institutional clients is that they serve as financial stewards entrusted with the financial resources of others – whether it be company 401(k) plan participants, pension plan retirees, charitable donors, or employees saving in a health savings account.

As financial stewards, they are held to a prudent expert standard in decision making, and are legally obligated to act in the best interest of those they serve. This is where The Mahoney Group comes in. For more than 20 years, we have helped our institutional clients develop and execute a prudent investment process to guide their decision making.

Whether governed by ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act), UPMIFA (Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act), UPIA (Uniform Prudent Investor Act), or the newly passed Fiduciary Rule, if a fiduciary does not have the knowledge or skillset to act in the capacity of an experienced professional, they are encouraged to hire one to assist in meeting their responsibilities.

We are dedicated to providing proactive and comprehensive advice and assistance to you throughout all facets of the process: fiduciary, investment management, participant & beneficiary education/communication and recordkeeping/administration. Our team approaches every decision with discipline, transparency and control – and works diligently to ensure that our guidance exceeds your expectations.

We embrace our fiduciary role, acknowledging in writing that we are the prudent professionals our clients rely upon for thoughtful and sound advice. Our advice and recommendations must align with your organization’s specific objectives, time frame and risk tolerance.

We’ll work together with you to assess your needs, define success, set goals, and evaluate and document the progress on an ongoing basis. This, of course, includes continually searching for ways to improve in areas such as technology, reporting, fees, plan design and regulatory compliance.

At The Mahoney Group, you can count on these two tenets: Our steadfast dedication to helping a financial steward meet their fiduciary obligations, while promoting the financial well-being of a portfolio’s beneficiaries.

It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him.

John Steinbeck