Services we provide for Defined BENEFIT PLANS

Our experienced team is well-versed in the comprehensive range of services defined benefit plans require. We will work with your actuary and other custodian/service providers to understand the plan’s assets and liabilities, then make recommendations for portfolio construction and investment selection based on your organizational goals and plan status.

We will draft and adhere to an investment policy that reflects your retirement committee’s risk tolerance and serves as a dynamic document for managing the plan.

We will provide comprehensive quarterly reporting and monitoring of your portfolio’s performance versus market and plan benchmarks, and facilitate portfolio rebalancing as needed.

We will also complete projects as needed as your committee moves the plan toward fully funded status. This includes development of a glidepath that dynamically adjusts the asset allocation as funded status improves over time.

In addition to these core services, we can also deliver an annual relationship plan, industry benchmarking and trends, fee studies, pension plan analysis and consulting and service provider due diligence and benchmarking.

It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him.

John Steinbeck