What you can expect from us

A high-touch, customized approach. We work with you to discover your personal financial objectives, assessing your entire financial situation. We provide individualized solutions that will offer a realistic opportunity to help you reach your goals.

Opportunities and risk to be balanced with your best interest in mind.We take an innovative approach to selecting investments and utilize advanced techniques to help balance the need for growth with an eye towards mitigating risk.

Both fundamental and technical analysis to be used in making investment decisions. Many different factors impact the performance of an investment and utilizing both types of analysis provides a more complete picture.

Continual monitoring and periodic re-screening of service providers.We screen the industry’s best service providers to identify those best suited to your insurance and investment needs. We monitor those firms we select to ensure they adhere to the objectives for which they were hired and will replace a firm or investment when necessary. There are many high quality firms and investments available for us to choose from.

Continual communication, education and monitoring. Establishing a plan is just the beginning. Ongoing monitoring and consultations are extremely important and will help us stay on track with our goals as time progresses and your life situations change. We will provide education and guidance along the way so you understand the actions we take and investments we make. We will make every effort to provide high-quality service and experiences.

Emotional support when market corrections and bear markets visit.We will always do our best to guide you through ups and downs the market experiences along the way, as we look towards achieving our long-term objectives. We will gladly offer emotional support and a steady hand when the markets are challenging.


What we ask of you, our client

Working together as partners, your participation is key. We will ask you for a few important contributions that will help us successfully reach our goals for you.

Please provide us with complete information up front. A good, complete plan requires accurate, complete information.

Ask questions. Please let us know what you are unclear or concerned about so we can address issues that are on your mind.

Let us know when things change. Clear and consistent communication regarding life changes (change in family dynamics, job, etc.) will allow us to make timely adjustments (i.e. investments strategies) and updates (i.e. beneficiaries, address changes) as needed.

Most important, please tell us what you expect and need from us. We will do our best to fulfill your expectations of us. We want you to call us when you feel concerned or curious about something – or anytime you want to review your investment plan.

Using this careful and caring approach over the years has aided our pursuit of long-term, positive relationships with our clients.

Keep in mind that there is no assurance that any strategy will ultimately be successful or profitable nor protect against a loss.