Whether we’re assisting a client in managing his or her family’s future or analyzing the portfolio of a small business owner, we approach each undertaking with a commitment to financial excellence and a dedication to true financial partnership.

Independent Women

We understand first-hand the financial needs and concerns of women, especially those who have faced the challenges of being separated from a spouse through divorce or death. We are here to serve you, offering financial guidance and support for the long term.

During this time of uncertainty, you may be asking yourself:

  • How can I support those closest to me and ensure I don’t run out of money?
  • What are my options for generating reliable income to help my needs?
  • How can I gain a better understanding of my financial matters and develop a game plan for the present and future?
  • Who can I trust for guidance on my financial affairs?

After any loss, issues such as settling an estate or re-evaluating financial plans can be the furthest thing from your mind. These complex, prolonged tasks must be approached when the time is right, with the right frame of mind – and with an advisor who is compassionate and understanding. This approach often means meeting immediate needs first and delaying more significant decisions until they seem more manageable and less overwhelming.

We believe that taking it one step at a time, with an advisor willing to help with every little detail, is the best approach to help stay on the right track.

Retirees and those preparing for retirement

When it comes to planning for and living in retirement, patience and discipline are much more than virtues – they’re necessities. While many people seem to think in terms of the day they will retire, we’re quick to point out that the most important part of retirement is all the days that come after day one – because today’s retirees are more active and living longer than ever before.

As you plan for and enjoy retirement, you may be asking yourself:

  • How much is enough?
  • What steps should I take to ensure my family has reliable income for our needs, our wants, and our wishes?
  • What are my retirement plan options and how do I know when to utilize its benefits?
  • How can I plan for and preserve my assets for the next generation?

We help our clients plan for all the goals and stages of a full, long-term retirement. We help them understand how important it is that income not simply last, but be professionally managed. We help them quiet the media “noise.” And we help them temper the emotions that can hinder even the best financial plans.

Here, we approach retirement planning with patience, discipline and reason. We carefully analyze all aspects of your life to help you develop a distinct financial plan for your retirement.

Small Business Owners

Like you, I am a small business owner too. As a small business owner, you know all about hard work and commitment. You’ve overcome challenges and achieved milestones along the way. It’s only natural you want someone like you, a small business owner, giving you the financial advice and strategies necessary for your family to benefit from and/or preserve the accumulated wealth in your business.

With that in mind, you may be asking yourself:

  • How can I focus on managing my business and know my personal finances are also being taken care of?
  • How can I protect my business so that my family can benefit from the years of hard work and sacrifice?
  • If I am considering exiting my business, what strategies can help me with a potential sale?
  • Am I mentally and financially prepared to exit the business?

That’s where we can help. We understand the challenges business owners often face and have helped many new, growing and mature businesses succeed. Most important, we recognize that your business is unique. We’ll take the time to understand your goals and help you address a variety of needs.

In addition to our own experience and financial knowledge, we have access to all the resources of Raymond James, one of the country’s leading financial services firms. Best of all, you’ll enjoy the confidence of knowing you have a single, trusted source for financial advice on your business assets and personal assets – and more time to devote to growing and planning for your business.

Medical Professionals

Yes, we make house calls. Along with your success comes a hectic and demanding schedule that often limits the time you can devote to your own financial well-being. That is why we are happy to go to your office or stay late at ours to meet you at a time that works with your schedule.

As a medical professional you have faced many hurdles to get where you are today. Of course, you are looking for someone who will work just as hard to help you preserve, build upon the success you have already achieved. As you continue to move forward, you may be asking yourself:

  • How can I better establish financial confidence for me and my family should something happen to me?
  • How can I preserve and manage my hard-earned wealth in turbulent times?
  • What strategies can I put in place to help minimize taxes and keep my assets secure from creditors and legal actions?
  • What steps can I take now to prepare for exiting my practice and transitioning into retirement?

With the vast resources of Raymond James at our disposal, and through our own experience working with others just like you, we’ll help you find answers to these questions and address all of your financial concerns, both professional and personal.

We look forward to serving as your trusted partner in creating a comprehensive, personalized financial plan for you and your family that can help you face the future with confidence.