No one can control the future, but thoughtful planning can help. Whether you are in the midst of a personal transition, run a small business, or are planning for your retirement, we can help you develop a plan to help achieve your financial goals.

Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is a long-term strategy designed to help investors achieve their financial goals without assuming undue risk. By allocating your assets to a diverse variety of sectors and investments, we attempt to increase the likelihood of generating a more consistent, positive return over the long term. Depending on your risk tolerance, the economic environment, your specific objectives and other factors, your portfolio may include domestic and global stocks, fixed income, real estate and alternative investments.

Asset allocation does not ensure a profit nor protect against loss.

Asset Management

We believe that a sound strategy is the result of a well-conceived plan, so we plan intelligently to help you preserve the wealth you’ve already built while pursuing opportunities for growth.

Estate Planning

Whether it’s providing income for a spouse, educating children or grandchildren or leaving money to your favorite charity, proper estate planning can help ensure that the assets accumulated over your lifetime are preserved for the use you have intended.

A well-designed estate plan can effectively help mitigate your family’s tax burden. We can offer financial strategies designed to efficiently manage the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next, and mitigate related tax issues.

By coordinating our efforts with your tax and legal professionals and working closely with you and your family, we will strive to help you establish a financial tradition that can be passed on for generations.

Financial Planning

There’s much more to your life than simple transactions and returns. Similarly, there’s more to financial planning than just a portfolio and a retirement strategy. You have many things to plan for now, soon and well into the future, so we look at financial planning through a wide lens, and we develop strategies designed to keep you confident in the present while helping you reach your near- and long-term goals.

Mutual Funds

Raymond James offers one of the largest selections of mutual fund families available from a single source. With more than 7,000 open-end mutual funds, its research analysts make extra efforts to evaluate individual mutual funds for our specific client needs. This includes responding to due diligence questions, providing general sales and marketing support, as well as coordinating trips to marketing companies.

Retirement Planning

Because people are living longer today, the possibility of going 30 years without a paycheck takes careful retirement planning and disciplined investing. Once in retirement, preserving your wealth and maintaining your lifestyle are likely among your highest priorities. You aspire to stay in your home as long as you want and be able to leave behind the legacy you had envisioned. We can help you prepare for this most significant milestone in life.

College Planning

If your goals include providing for the future of a child or grandchild, we can help you investigate your many options and develop an education funding strategy. We can help you provide for this opportunity with investment vehicles such as Coverdell education savings accounts, 529 college savings accounts and specialized trust vehicles.


Bonds can play an important role in a well-diversified portfolio. They can provide predictable income and, most important, relative safety of principal.* Also, bonds may help minimize overall volatility. In determining a suitable allocation of bonds to your portfolio, we will consider factors such as your investment time horizon, risk tolerance, need for income and future goals.

* If held to maturity, subject to issuer credit risk. If sold prior to maturity, you will receive the then-current market value, which may be more or less than your initial investment.