Directed Share Programs

In partnership with the Raymond James Global Equities and Investment Banking division, Executive Consulting of Raymond James is the exclusive administrative agent on all Directed Share Program (“DSP”) engagements.

In an equity offering, the issuing company has the discretion to distribute a portion of the shares being offered in a DSP. Invited participants can include employees, officers, directors, strategic relationships, family and friends of the issuing company. The program is administered by one of the underwriters in the offering.

There is a unique combination of skills required to effectively manage a DSP. The team must be fluent in the structure, terms, regulatory requirements and process of capital market transactions while also being able to service the full spectrum of retail clients, from institutional investors to family offices to a young employee who has never opened a brokerage account.

Executive Consulting of Raymond James has the unique combination of expertise required to manage a successful DSP. Our team helped develop the DSP platform at Raymond James and has administered all DSP engagements at Raymond James for several years, giving us unmatched experience in the industry.