Painting your financial plan IN VIVID HUES AND PRECISE LINES

The process of turning the raw materials of paint and canvas into a masterwork is similar to creating a comprehensive financial plan – both take vision and skill to execute. The vision is yours: What you picture when your thoughts focus on the future. We apply our decades of experience and skill in helping you pursue that vision of a life well lived through the following steps.

Defining the outlines of where you stand and where you want to go.
Our goal-based approach to financial planning requires that we get to know you so well, we can anticipate your needs. In this step, we’ll gather all of the essential elements that make up your finances and explain how we will work together in pursuit of your objectives. Our aim is for you to come away from our meeting with a clear idea of how we’ll move forward, with all of your questions answered.

Filling in the fine details of how we’ll pursue your goals.
With the areas of focus established, we’ll begin creating a detailed financial plan designed to address all areas of your financial life. We’ll share our recommendations with you and explain our strategies in clear language so we’re all on the same page.

Applying the layers of your financial plan.
Once you’ve approved your custom financial plan, we’ll employ the strategies selected, applying layer after layer until the picture comes to life.

Taking a fresh look to regularly evaluate areas that need adjusting.
The work continues even after the last layer is applied. We continuously adjust the plan as your life changes, diligently monitoring your portfolio and staying connected with you and the milestones and challenges you’ll face along your journey to a life well lived.