Shedding light on A NEW PHASE OF LIFE

Diana, a stay-at-home mother of two, was facing an imminent divorce and came to us seeking clarity and direction. We immediately helped her analyze her family’s financial situation, uncovering assets and debt she was unaware existed. Using the information we had gathered, we helped her consider her settlement options and the associated tax implications. Throughout the process, we coordinated with her CPA and attorney to ensure each part of the plan was moving in harmony.

She was young at the time of the divorce, with a long life ahead of her. To give her and the children the resources to regain their footing, her attorney had negotiated a higher alimony amount for her to be paid over a shorter time period.

After Diana received her settlement, we put her post-divorce financial plan in motion. We were careful to account for the fact that she would have to go back to work once the alimony stopped. By educating Diana about finances and helping her articulate what was important to her, we were able to help her successfully transition to her new life.

Today we remain an integral part of her inner circle, advising her on a variety of matters, such as setting up her own business.

The hypothetical example above is for illustrative purposes and is not representative of any actual experience. Individual results will vary.