Our investment strategy is carefully considered

Our investment strategy is to select stocks and bonds in accordance with each client’s needs and goals; invest in good people, quality companies and defensible businesses. More specifically, our strategy focuses on the ownership of high-quality common stocks and bonds selected to generate the potential for superior returns*. In addition, we also employ the selective use of exchange traded funds.

No one can predict how the market will perform over a specified period of time, but the study of correlations – the statistical measure of how two securities move in relation to each other – can reveal when different asset types have not performed in step with the market. Having a portfolio that is diversified with low-correlating assets can give our clients the opportunity to benefit from returns with less risk.

We do not attempt to time the markets. Because our objective is to remain fully invested at all times, we look for companies that we’d like to own for three to five years.

* There is no assurance that these strategies will be successful. Investing involves risks including the potential for capital losses. Investment risk is managed through careful and constant monitoring of the markets and influencing factors, including the political environment, economic news and technical developments that may affect our holdings. Diversification does not guarantee a profit nor protect against loss.