Our Clients

The clients that we have invited into our practice become long-term relationships, through good markets and bad, because we have taken the time to fully understand their dreams and aspirations and are determined to help make their financial destinations a reality.

Where can we join you on your journey?

Here are a few examples of our typical clients:

Living in Retirement

After a long and successful career, you’ve left the daily grind to live life on your own terms. But you’re not letting time pass you by as you sip lemonade in a rocking chair. You’re a doer. Whether it’s managing a charity, working as a consultant or taking care of your grandkids, your calendar is just as full (although maybe there’s a bit more golf than there used to be). You’ve still got plenty of energy and need your money to last a LONG time. But you have a lot to accomplish now, such as vacationing in Europe, donating to charity and setting up college accounts for your grandkids. How do you strike the right balance?

Case Study

Jim (57) & Susan (55)


  • Retirement income for 35+ years
  • Establishing legacy for their children
  • Long term health care, if needed
  • Diversification of company stock holdings
  • Charitable gifting

Possible Solutions:

  • Lifetime retirement income budget analysis
  • Portfolio strategy designed for a rising lifetime retirement income
  • Estate planning document review
  • Charitable trust in combination with an irrevocable life insurance trust
  • Asset based long term care strategy
  • 529 college savings plans to benefit the grandkids

Sample topics we’ll cover

  • Would you like to travel more?
  • What is a safe spending rate in retirement?
  • How should you direct excess cash?
  • Which retirement dollars should you spend, and when?
  • Should we consolidate or refinance any debt?
  • What is your investment strategy given your goals?
  • Do you need an umbrella insurance policy?
  • Have you enacted health and financial Powers of Attorney?
  • Can you afford a vacation home?
Sample Calendar

This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes and is not representative of any actual experience. Individual results will vary. This is not a recommendation and you should consult with your financial advisor for advice based on your personal situation, financial goals and objectives. There is no assurance any investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk including the possible loss of capital. Asset allocation and diversification do not guarantee a profit nor protect against loss. Raymond James does not offer tax or legal advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before making any decision that may affect your tax or legal situation.

Preparing for Retirement

You are hard-charging through the prime of your career while trying to stay involved in your family’s daily life. Your kids sure did like that private college tour you took them on a month ago, but have you seen the cost of tuition these days? You want to hit the slopes while your spouse wants to read a book on the beach, but you both feel guilty because you wonder if you should be setting more money aside instead. You just want to know what you can and can’t afford. Your lack of emergency funds keep you up at night. And you still want to hit those slopes…where to start?

Case Study

Dan (48) & Elizabeth (49)


  • Debt reduction
  • Coordination of investment assets
  • Retirement goal feasibility analysis
  • Funding college for children

Possible Solutions:

  • Lifestyle budget analysis to prioritize financial goals
  • Debt analysis
  • Establishment of cash reserve policy and emergency fund
  • Comprehensive retirement income plan
  • Consolidation of investment accounts for better management toward goals
  • 529 college savings plans and other college tuition strategies

Sample topics we’ll cover

  • Have you thought about when you’d like to retire?
  • Do you make enough money to support your goals?
  • Will you have to support your parents as they age?
  • Are you maximizing your deferral buckets?
  • How do you decide where to allocate investment money each month?
  • Should you have disability insurance?
  • Do you need a will or a trust, or both?
  • Does it make financial sense to remodel your home?
  • How much will you need for the next big vacation?
Sample Calendar

This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes and is not representative of any actual experience. Individual results will vary. This is not a recommendation and you should consult with your financial advisor for advice based on your personal situation, financial goals and objectives. There is no assurance any investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk including the possible loss of capital. Asset allocation and diversification do not guarantee a profit nor protect against loss. Raymond James does not offer tax or legal advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before making any decision that may affect your tax or legal situation.

Beginning the Journey

You’re in the early stages of your career and you’ve figured out what you enjoy and what you’re good at. You save a little each month, but you wonder if you should be saving more, and if so, how much? Your spouse is ready to start a family, but you wonder if you can afford it without completely sacrificing your lifestyle. In general you feel like you’re making the right decisions, but you’re not sure, and you wonder how much time it would take to figure it out for sure. Being able to tap the advice of a professional sure would help...

Case Study

Brett (27) & Mary (26)


  • College/Grad school and credit card debt reduction
  • Educational funding strategy for newborn
  • Life insurance needs analysis
  • Estate planning / beneficiary documents
  • 401(k) plan investment guidance

Possible Solutions:

  • Consolidate debt at lower interest rates
  • Establish 529 plan and monthly addition schedule
  • Evaluate term insurance provided through group insurance and increase coverage
  • Establish will and Power of Attorneys and double check beneficiary designations
  • Evaluate 401(k) options using Raymond James and MorningStar research

Sample topics we’ll cover

  • Do you have an emergency fund?
  • Do you fall short each month or come out ahead?
  • What is the best system to keep track of your spending?
  • How will your marriage, children or life changes impact your taxes?
  • What percentage of your income should you contribute to your 401(k)?
  • What employee health benefits make sense to use?
  • How much life insurance do you need?
  • What are you doing to enjoy your life?
Sample Calendar

This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes and is not representative of any actual experience. Individual results will vary. This is not a recommendation and you should consult with your financial advisor for advice based on your personal situation, financial goals and objectives. There is no assurance any investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk including the possible loss of capital. Asset allocation and diversification do not guarantee a profit nor protect against loss. Raymond James does not offer tax or legal advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before making any decision that may affect your tax or legal situation.