Helping institutions plan ahead and move forward

To us, there is no matter more important than the ongoing viability of your institution, and the financial and fiduciary responsibilities of those who manage it. It is why the institutional plan management process we employ must be both highly disciplined and customized in its implementation and actions.

Our process incorporates insightful strategy and in-depth research, reporting and oversight to ensure that we have addressed the big picture as well as the smallest detail. Our goal is nothing short of an outcome that fully supports you and all that you strive to accomplish. Here is a summary of the numerous action items that encompass our planning process.


  • Thorough review and determination of goals and philosophy
  • Analysis of current assets
  • Historical performance evaluation


  • Evaluation of current portfolio and investment managers
  • Analysis of current portfolio vs. future needs
  • Asset/liabilities modeling
  • Development and maintenance of investment policy statements

Asset allocation

  • Dynamic portfolio construction
  • Portfolio optimization
  • Recommendations

Investment manager selection

  • Applied research and due diligence
  • Determine appropriate investment management
  • Search for and evaluate the investment management candidates

Reporting & communications

  • Custody services / monthly statements
  • Customized performance measurement and monitoring
  • Ongoing trustee education

Ongoing review and monitoring

  • Investment policy compliance
  • Proactive portfolio advice / manager reviews
  • Portfolio rebalancing

The process of rebalancing may result in tax consequences.