It may be uncommon to find financial professionals who can diligently address the important financial aspects of your law practice and personal wealth. However, at Wright Wealth Strategies, one of our important specialties is serving attorneys. Bill Wright is an experienced and credentialed professional who offers the depth of knowledge required to help you manage, build and preserve your wealth.
We serve as your dedicated financial concierge, managing your financial matters across multiple platforms and professional money managers. We design wealth management strategies customized to your unique situation and needs, while providing the utmost confidentiality and privacy.
Having worked with individual attorneys as well as large law firms, we understand how valuable your time is. With our comprehensive wealth management program, we can help you have more time to enhance your practice and enjoy your well-earned lifestyle.
▪ Wealth & Investment Management
▪ Trust Services*
▪ Banking & Lending Solutions**
▪ Risk Management & Insurance***
▪ Cash Flow Analysis
▪ Tax Considerations
▪ Practice Management & Business Planning
▪ Estate Planning, Legacy & Charitable Planning
▪ Accelerated Retirement Planning
*Available through Raymond James Trust N.A. **Available through Raymond James Bank. ***Available through Raymond James Insurance Group. Raymond James & Associates, Inc. is affiliated with Raymond James Trust, Raymond James Bank and Raymond James Insurance Group. Raymond James does not provide tax or legal advice. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.
Raymond James & Associates, Inc. and your Raymond James financial advisor do not solicit or offer residential mortgage products and are unable to accept any residential mortgage loan applications or to offer or negotiate terms of any such loan. You will be put into contact with a Raymond James Bank employee for your residential mortgage needs.