Specialized retirement plan expertise for corporations.

Specialized retirement plan expertise for corporations.

Our institutional clients are typically corporations with a $25 million-plus qualified plan who are looking for a single source to provide guidance to their investment committee.

Our Services

We help provide owners and plan sponsors the knowledge and expertise they need to evaluate the countless plan choices, and the crucial fiduciary duties and responsibilities that accompany running a plan.

Institutional clients turn to us for insightful, practical strategies to complex issues facing their business or organization. Leveraging Raymond James' extensive resources, we can help provide comprehensive guidance to many types of institutions including:

  • Public and privately held corporations
  • Defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans
  • State, county and municipal public retirement systems
  • Taft-Hartley Plans
  • Insurance companies
  • Hospitals and healthcare providers
  • Private foundations
  • Family offices
  • University and college endowments
  • Educational institutions

Learn More.

Our Process

Our process is based on four actions that never vary: evaluate, decide, document and monitor. We repeat this process for each of five key areas of plan management. Learn More.

Our Investment Tactics

We take a measured approach to creating our specific investment recommendations for you. It involves forward-looking assumptions. Learn More.