Ideal Client



Our best clients are:

  • FINANCIAL DELEGATORS – Our community of clients appreciate, and are happy to follow, the advice of a team of financial professionals coordinated by a single trusted advisor.
  • PASSIONATE ABOUT GOALS – Our clients realize that pursuing their goals requires both money and planning. Our community of ideal clients appreciates our commitment to pay close attention to all the financial details and proactively recommend the inevitable course corrections, as required, several times each year.
  • ENJOY SIMPLICITY – Our clients enjoy the simplicity, freedom and confidence that comes from having all of their financial assets under the watchful eye of a single, trusted advisor who provides oversight, coordinating all personal financial affairs.
  • VALUE OUR WORK TOGETHER – Our clients appreciate advice and guidance.
  • FOCUS ON WHAT’S IMPORTANT – Our clients delegate financial matters so they can focus their valuable time and energy on the things in their life that are most important to them. Clients who appreciate an advisor who views their role as to preserve financial assets, and the financial strategy, allowing clients to focus upon the things which matter most in life.
  • APPRECIATE THE CANDID TRUTH – Our clients want to hear the truth from us regarding their financial situation…no matter what. Clients who rely upon complete transparency from their advisor.

Once we have a community of 30 clients who meet this profile, we plan to stop accepting additional clients.

There is no assurance any investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk including the possible loss of capital.