Helping you manage the major events in your life

One certainty in life is that change is inevitable. We specialize in helping people in transition, whether it’s due to retirement, a career change, an inheritance, marriage, divorce or the death of a spouse. Each presents different issues, complexities and challenges that must be addressed. We understand the uncertainty these events can trigger and, most important, will be here to help you move forward.


Retirement is perhaps the most significant transition in life, the culmination of a successful career or business. Now the emphasis shifts from wealth accumulation to wealth distribution to replace your paycheck and fund your leisurely years. If you are approaching retirement, you attention turns to questions such as “Do I have enough?” and “When will be a good time to retire?” We help people in and near retirement manage the many important details of this most important transition in life, including retirement income planning, distribution strategies, tax planning, Social Security optimization and estate planning.

Career change

A career change can be an exciting time, but also one with financial ramifications. If your career change requires more training or education, you must determine how to fund any school expenses as well as your living expenses while you update your skills. If you are taking a salary cut, you must scrutinize your monthly budget and determine where you can make cuts to compensate for having less income, at least in the interim. Then there are also decisions to be made about what to do with your 401(k) plan at your previous employer. We can guide you through all of these matters to help you transition into your new career.


Those who inherit money must resist the urge for instant gratification, spending without regard for the future. We can serve as your voice of reason and help you create a financial plan that addresses both your short- and long-term goals. We would also advise you to meet with your legal advisor to update your will and estate plan, and meet with your tax advisor to address the impact of receiving a large sum of money.


Two people coming together also means the merger of two separate financial situations and unique attitudes toward investing. Important issues to address include financial goals, household budgets, managing debt and establishing an estate plan. We are experienced in addressing all the vital financial issues that can accompany a marriage.


Whether you are newly divorced or presently going through a divorce, we can guide you through the financial details of dividing assets and managing taxes – giving you an opportunity to move forward with your life. During your marriage, you have accumulated assets as well as liabilities. What might first appear as an equal distribution of an asset may not be after considering the original cost basis and tax consequences of liquidating or transferring the asset. We can collaborate with your divorce attorney.

Death of a spouse

In addition to the emotional turmoil, losing a spouse has major financial implications regarding issues such as life insurance proceeds, Social Security and the retitling of financial accounts. You may be managing your financial affairs on your own for the first time and concerned about having sufficient income to maintain your lifestyle. We are here to help you address these issues.

“Whenever you contact us with a question, request or concern, you can expect a prompt and courteous response and follow-up.”
Jackie Keeven, Senior Client Service Associate