
Kindness in all its forms

In the words of American writer Henry James: “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” I often think of this quote, though it comes to mind more during Random Acts of Kindness Week, which falls from February 13 to 19 this year. Created by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, a non-profit, privately funded organization founded in 1995, the week is devoted to encouraging individuals, groups and communities to make a conscious effort to do something good for somebody – and quite possibly inspire others to do the same.

Participating in this sort of celebration is not only easy, it can be personal. And really, you can share a kindness whenever and wherever you are. If you’d like to be involved, you may wonder what small thing you can do to improve another’s day. I have some ideas, a few of which I intend to take part in myself.

You could consider helping a neighbor with yard work or picking up litter by the side of the road. Holding the door open for a stranger or paying the tab for the person behind you at the coffee shop. Kindness could also be spread by giving up your place in line for someone who seems hurried, writing a letter of thanks to a soldier serving overseas, or offering to buy clothes or food for someone in need. Another option would be to simply make a conscious effort to smile at a few people as you go through your day.

When it comes to kindness, the humblest of acts can have large effects. If you’re looking for more inspiration as Random Acts of Kindness Week approaches, visit:

My Very Best to All,


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