Don't Be a Victim of Identity Theft and Cybercrime

A few members of Team WWS recently attended the RJ Summer Development Conference (SDC). I have written about these conferences in this space many times in the past…we get a lot out of attending and the unique culture that exists here at Raymond James is always on full display…this year was no exception!

One of the many breakout sessions that we found valuable was titled, “Simple Safeguards: How to Stay Safe from Identity Theft and Cybercrime.” The presenter was a retired FBI Special Agent who had a 20+ year career investigating cybercrime, organized crime, human trafficking, and terrorism.

More frequently than you can imagine, we hear from clients, friends and even family who have experienced some sort of financial fraud or potential identity theft at another institution. Fraud attempts are rampant and as technology evolves, the perpetrators are only getting better at circumventing safeguards and deceiving unsuspecting targets.

The link below is a summary of the presentation and includes a LOT of practical suggestions on how to avoid being a victim. While we find it all useful, we know it can be daunting to digest and potentially implement it all. The summary is broken down into specific categories which allows you to focus on the areas where you may have more interest. It also includes links and phone numbers you can access for additional resources. While some of the processes, like using Multi-Factor Authentication, can seem tedious and annoying from time to time, any victim of identity theft will tell you that these nuances are 100% worth it!

Simple Safeguards

-Gary Weiss, August 2023