Summer Reading List Highlight: Freezing Order by Bill Browder (+ something lighter)

In June 2018 I recommended Bill Browder’s book Red Notice in this space (Finer Things - June 2018) and his follow up, Freezing Order, is just as compelling. Browder’s relentless pursuit for justice is inspiring, mesmerizing and chilling all at the same time. How he courageously lives his life while continuing to be on the “top enemy” list of Vladimir Putin is extraordinary.

If it were fiction, it would be described as a thriller that deals with international conspiracy, power and corruption with many dangerous twists and turns…but it is all true! With what is going on in Ukraine, this book could not be more timely.

For those looking for something lighter (MUCH lighter), I offer Jerry Seinfeld’s Is This Anything? For longtime fans of him or his show, this is a quick and easy read that will keep you chuckling. The latter third of the book, which touches on topics less covered in his sitcom, are especially laughable.

I hope you are enjoying your summer and those in AZ are able to escape the heat as much as possible!

-Gary Weiss, August 2022

Amazon - Freezing Order

Amazon - Is This Anything?