Still Thankful

For the last several years, Debbie and I have hosted 40+ family members at our home for Thanksgiving. We have a tradition where we go around the entire table and every attendee says what they are thankful for…some are very brief and some go on for longer (I have only limited one person with a “FIVE MINUTES!” shout before he starts). This year will be different (only the five kids plus Deb and me)…everything is different this year. Like so many who have missed so much this year, we all are doing what we have to do to be responsible and stay healthy and safe.

Yet, in the midst of the strangest year most of us have experienced, we are more thankful and grateful than ever. We are grateful that we have SIX parents/in-laws who have all stayed healthy throughout this pandemic. We are grateful that we have five wonderful children—one who overcame Covid at college in early September without a visit to the hospital, one who has evaded Covid despite two of her roommates being infected with it, and three who have managed to stay Covid-free (as have Debbie and I).

I am thankful that my family has sacrificed the space in our home to allow me to have an “office” where I can work very productively over the past eight months. Despite the dog barks, leaf blowers and doorbells that many have become accustomed to, working from home has not prohibited us from continuing to serve our clients. I am thankful for technology tools like Zoom and Citrix Remote Desktop, which allow us to stay in touch with clients effectively.

I am thankful for my Weiss Wealth Strategies team…everyone has stepped up and made the best of this situation and has done what needs to be done. I could not do what I do every day without Sonja looking after every operational detail for every client, without Kelly diligently staying on top of our money managers and portfolios….and what can I say about our newest partner, Solitaire? She bravely joined us in July along with her husband, two young children and in-laws all in tow from Tampa to assist us with our ever growing stable of structured notes and alternative investments…I am incredibly grateful for the team we have created.

I am thankful for all of our wonderful clients…those who have been with us for a long time have been through a lot of ups and downs (thankfully far more ups!) and those newer to us are learning how we “stick to our goals” and stay with our plans during difficult environments. You all have maintained trust and confidence in us and allowed us to guide you through whatever life has thrown at you. I have said it before in this space…watching how many of you react to challenges in your own lives has made me a more patient father (some might not agree wholeheartedly), a more compassionate husband (progress not perfection) and a better person overall.

Lastly and certainly not least, I am thankful every day for my lovely wife and everything she does for others…I could not be more proud to be Debbie’s partner on this journey!

I hope you all had a special Thanksgiving and hope you enjoy the upcoming holidays in this most unusual year!

-Gary Weiss, December 2020