A Few of the Finer Things - July 2016

We are well into triple digit temperatures here in Arizona (113 today!) and it is one of many not-so-subtle reminders that summer is indeed here. One of the ways to beat the Arizona heat is to get out of it as often as you can…anywhere, believe me!

A couple of years ago, Debbie and I signed up for TSA-Precheck and I cannot recommend it highly enough. With the security lines in most airports today being as much as an hour or more long, it feels quite elite to walk leisurely up to the far much shorter “TSA-Pre” line and not have to bother with taking off your shoes, belt, etc. before going through security. The cost of $85 (per person) covers you for five years and the application process is very simple (mostly done online then a very brief interview).

When at the Phoenix airport in the summer, I am always amazed at the wide range of people travelling and the various places they are going. Last week I noticed senior groups headed for overseas cruises, teens heading for Israel, more teens playing team sports heading for competitions, younger kids heading to summer camp and young families going on various vacations. It is fun to look back and remember when I was doing all of those things (other than the senior tour, yet) and reflect on the many great memories of summer travel. It also encourages me and makes me believe that our economy is in pretty good shape when I witness all of this travel.

I am delinquent on getting my summer reading season going…I did recently enjoy Saving Sophie by Ronald Balson. It is an action-packed thriller about the lengths a father will go through to protect his daughter. I have a few more titles I am hoping to plow through in the next couple of months and I look forward to having some worthwhile recommendations. For fans of the book and/or movie Me Before You, be sure to skip After You (the sequel)…it is quite a disappointment, trust me and don’t waste your time…just imagine good things happen to the characters instead.

I hope you Arizonans can escape the heat even if for a little while this summer and the non-Arizonans are enjoying nice summer weather and partaking in fun summer activities with family and friends!

- Gary Weiss, July 2016