At Weiss Wealth Management Group, we view our investment planning process as an alternative to traditional asset allocation or buy-and-hold strategies.
While other investment managers attempt to forecast highs and lows over a 20-year period, we emphasize a more practical approach by planning for performance over the next two to five years. This method ensures that we’re making tactical decisions about your portfolio consistently as we move along, helping to limit exposure to excessive volatility and ease any concerns as the markets shift.
Our primary focus is on creating the potential for steadily rising income. Most people accumulate assets with the assumption that one day they should switch to more conservative fixed income instruments. But expenses in retirement are not fixed; they rise. So as we build portfolios and evaluate investment opportunities, we seek to create an income stream that can grow gradually in order to offset increasing costs.
Typically, for our retiree and risk-averse clients, we develop strategies designed to dedicate at least 75% of all the assets in a portfolio to generating income. We also have a mechanism that moves traditional growth investments to a more income-oriented model once clients are within five years of retirement.
In addition to offering a smart and steady alternative to many traditional investment strategies, we are also quite sensitive to the consensus of public opinion. The stronger the consensus is on any given financial issue, the more skeptical we become.
There is no assurance any investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk and investors may incur a profit or a loss. There is an inverse relationship between interest rate movements and fixed income prices. Generally, when interest rates rise, fixed income prices fall and when interest rates fall, fixed income prices generally rise.