The pursuit of financial success begins with a plan

Financial plans are talked about often. But what does that actually mean?

We prefer to talk about a retirement/legacy plan. After all, most of us are saving so we can one day replace our employment income with investment income for our retirement years or to pass on a legacy.

In our early years it’s simple, just save as much as you possibly can, get a good return, and keep going. What happens when, after a number of decades, you may start to wonder ‘Am I There Yet?’ Do I have enough saved now to be work optional or even retire? If not, when will I be at that point? How do you even calculate that? How do I assess all my current or future sources of income from my 401K, pensions, social security, real estate, inheritance, sale of a business, etc? How do I take tax planning and inflation into account? How do I even know how much money I/we will need for the rest of our lives?

It can be overwhelming! Sometimes it’s easier to say, maybe I’ll just work for another year and keep saving, and then another year, and another, and…. you get the picture.

Where we excel is helping our clients make sense of all these questions (and more), because we’re all unique. Everyone’s circumstances and desires are different. There is no one size fits all, this process really needs to be customizable, understandable, and flexible as we all know even the best laid plans can be derailed by unexpected events. It’s how adaptable our plan is to those events that can be the difference between us being financially free or not.

We cut through industry jargon that is often used. We explore ideas and tools designed to fit your unique needs. Our team wants to know what keeps you awake at night and what makes you truly happy. We work with you to personalize a plan using our decades of knowledge within this field. We take the time to get to know you and your family and take pride in helping you retire the way you want to.

If you’re wondering ‘Am I There Yet?’ please contact us and we can help you figure it out.