Markets fluctuate but relationships shouldn’t. At Vision Investment Planning, we desire to know more about you than your balance sheet. We want to understand who you are and what you want to accomplish so we can tailor our advice and service to your life plans.

Making introductions

Our initial appointment is designed to see if you and our team will work well together. It is an informal yet personal conversation to give you an opportunity to tell us about yourself. What are your aspirations? What makes your heart sing? What keeps you up at night? What do you value most?

Creating a plan

Our next appointment or two will focus on developing a financial plan that addresses your goals and concerns. Using what you have shared with us, we will research appropriate investment options and strategies, creating a customized plan for you. We’ll share the plan in an interactive and visual overview, exploring different scenarios and answering key questions around goals such as retirement, education funding, taxes, and other wealth management issues .

Introducing the fundamentals: A guide to getting started toward a personal financial plan

Monitoring the plan

Throughout the months and years of our relationship, we continue to monitor everything we’ve put in place with periodic discussions and reviews. We will provide clear and comprehensive updates on your accounts and coordinate your investments looking at all your assets, even those that may not be with us. We will track the progress of your plan relative to your objectives and review any changes in your personal life that might alter your plan or goals.

A Lifetime Partnership

A successful journey through life requires hard work, sound decision-making and financial strength. In the years ahead, you’ll uncover new opportunities and face fresh challenges – and we’ll be here to help manage your financial plan throughout your lifetime.

Why You Should Work with Vision Investment Planning

Our Goal is to give you confidence, direction, and focus to your financial future. We accomplish this goal by leading our clients through a discovery process to unearth, discuss and address their values, goals and concerns.

Our Hope is to develop a meaningful relationship with you that goes beyond financial matters. We strive to make a profound difference in the quality of our clients’ lives.

Our Commitment to educating you about your personal finances never wavers. We want our clients to know what they own and why they own it.

Our Focus is on making your results and expenses transparent and readily accessible to you. We offer our clients options on how they are charged and always illustrate your results after expenses.

Our Approach for you goes deeper than traditional portfolio management. We take a holistic approach that addresses the multigenerational relationships of our clients.

Your Team is staffed with professionals that have over 50 years of industry experience and are committed to giving you exceptional service. We are committed to getting in touch with you by the next business day from the time you contact us for any concern.

Your Financial Plan is unique to your personal goals and concerns. We will take the time to listen to what is important to you and continue to update your planning documents as your life changes. Hold us to it!

Your Customized Investment Strategy is premised on “Building your Ark” not trying to “Predict the Rainfall.” Our focus with your money is based on an actively managed portfolio designed to provide rising income and long-term growth while minimizing risk.

Your Relationship with our practice is viewed as part of a strategic alliance with your tax professional and estate planning attorney that is entirely focused on you and your family. We see ourselves as your “financial steward” who is backed by the extensive resources of Raymond James to understand and address all facets of your personal finances.

Your Expectation should be for a relationship based on mutual respect. We have built our practice on a foundation of courtesy, integrity and trust with every client we help.