A Philosophy of highly principled actions

At Trailhead Wealth Partners, our philosophy is defined by these 10 principles depicted in “Cowboy Ethics,” known as “The Code of the West,” which reads:

  • Live each day with courage
  • Take pride in your work
  • Always finish what you start
  • Do what has to be done
  • Be tough, but fair
  • When you make a promise, keep it
  • Ride for the brand
  • Talk less and say more
  • Remember that some things aren’t for sale
  • Know where to draw the line

We believe that if there were to be an eleventh principle on this list, it would read: “Always do the right thing.” Every member of our team lives by a shared set of values and beliefs. It is how we conduct business at Trailhead Wealth Partners of Raymond James.

It is the only way we know to do the very best we can do for the families we partner with so that they may achieve their own goals in life, personal and financial – and it is how we intend to continue serving in the future.

“In short, our focus is – and always will be – on you.”
Gary L. Wardein, CIMA®; Senior Vice President, Wealth Management