Professional Athletes

You work hard. We appreciate the dedication and commitment you’ve put into your career, and want you to live the life you desire well into your future. With more than 40 years of experience, the Alford & Associates Group is a dedicated team of Financial Advisors who understand the complex financial needs of professional athletes and entertainers.

We know that your career comes with a great deal of uncertainty. You are presented with a specific window of opportunity in a lucrative profession to secure the greatest revenues for your retirement. Having a customized wealth management strategy is crucial for creating a secure foundation for you and your family, now and in the future.

Our Team is experienced in addressing the unique financial challenges that athletes and entertainers face, and understand how to help you develop strategies for each stage of your life, including designing your retirement after a demanding career. Whether you are just getting started, are already a successful veteran, or need financial advice and guidance on your next big business deal, we can teach you smart approaches to financial management and educate you about making sound investment decisions.

Working with you and your family, we are here to guide you in developing short and long term financial goals that balance your present needs with what you want to accomplish later in life. We will apply the same level of discipline to helping you pursue your financial future that you apply to your career. Our goal is to help you turn your earnings today into security for tomorrow.