Using your money wisely means looking at both sides of your balance sheet. Borrowing is sometimes a better alternative to liquidating assets, and your need for cash does not need to disrupt your investment strategy. As part of managing your wealth in line with an overall financial plan, we are here to guide you in these decisions about saving, investing, preserving and borrowing money at the times when you need it most.
We can help you understand how services like security-backed lines of credit and margin may fit with your stated goals. Before you make a large purchase or investment in your business, let’s talk about your cash management and financing options and how they can be a beneficial part of your overall long-term financial plan.
Let us consult with you to help find well-suited solutions for:
- Renovating a home
- Paying for tuition
- Short-term bridge financing
- Planning a vacation of a lifetime
- Purchasing luxury items
- Taking advantage of a real estate opportunity
- Supporting a business
- Launching new business ventures
- Acting on an investment opportunity
- Consolidating debt
- Paying taxes1
Securities Based Line of Credit (SBLC)2, 3 – Put the value of your investment accounts to work by increasing your borrowing power and accessing cash without disrupting your long-term financial strategy. Collateralized by one or more Raymond James accounts, this flexible line of credit lets you borrow money for a variety of purposes (except the purchase of securities). With highly competitive pricing, interest rates range from the LIBOR rate plus 2.25% to 6.00% depending on the market value of pledged assets. From finished application to funding, your request will take approximately three to five days to complete.
Margin2 – A margin account allows you to access cash borrowed against pledged assets for any legal purpose through your Capital Access account.
- Raymond James does not offer tax advice. Please consult your tax advisor for questions regarding your tax situation.
- Margin or a Securities Based Line of Credit may not be suitable for all clients. The proceeds from a Securities Based Line of Credit cannot be used to purchase or carry margin securities. Borrowing on securities based lending products and using securities as collateral may involve a high degree of risk. Market conditions can magnify any potential for loss. If the market turns against the client, he or she may be required to deposit additional securities and/or cash in the account(s) or pay down the loan. The securities in the pledged account(s) may be sold to meet the margin call, and the firm can sell the client’s securities without contacting them. The interest rates charged for a Securities Based Line of Credit are determined by the market value of pledged assets and the net value of the client’s Capital Access account. The interest rates charged for Margin are determined by the amount borrowed. For additional information on margin, visit
- Securities Based Line of Credit provided by Raymond James Bank. Raymond James & Associates, Inc. and Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. are affiliated with Raymond James Bank, a federally chartered national bank. The Base Rate is based on a spread over the 30-day London Interbank Offered Rate. Current LIBOR rate available at
Products, terms and conditions subject to change. Subject to standard credit criteria. Property insurance is required. Flood insurance is required if property is in a designated flood zone of “A” or “V.” © 2015 Raymond James Bank, N.A.