A philosophy- driven practice

These statements of our philosophy and beliefs provide direction as we work with every client.

  • Optimists are, in time, more successful than pessimists. We are optimists and work best with clients who share this mindset.
  • Time is everyone’s most precious resource. We manage this resource for the good of all by working only with those that will appreciate and could benefit from our experience and expertise. We owe this both to the individuals we serve and those we do not.
  • Investment management is an art, not a science. Therefore, missteps are expected and managed.
  • Our best strategies today anticipate tomorrow.
  • We are candid in our communications. We believe that:
    • Candor fosters trust
    • Trust builds confidence
    • Confidence is the emotion that leads to financial independence.
  • “I never worry about money” is the highest compliment we can receive.  This is our goal for 100% of our clients.

Expertise meets maturity and courage

Flexible, efficient and transparent

In a fee-based account clients pay a quarterly fee, based on the level of assets in the account, for the services of a financial advisor as part of an advisory relationship. In deciding to pay a fee rather than commissions, clients should understand that the fee may be higher than a commission alternative during periods of lower trading. Advisory fees are in addition to the internal expenses charged by mutual funds and other investment company securities. To the extent that clients intend to hold these securities, the internal expenses should be included when evaluating the costs of a fee-based account. Clients should periodically re-evaluate whether the use of an asset-based fee continues to be appropriate in servicing their needs. A list of additional considerations, as well as the fee schedule, is available in the firm's Form ADV Part II as well as the client agreement.